

# Unable to restart service sshd: Failed to restart sshd.service: Connection timed out\nSee system logs and 'systemctl status sshd.service' for details.
# Unable to restart service sshd: Failed to restart sshd.service: Method call timed out\nSee system logs and 'systemctl status sshd.service' for details.
# 要注意给 handlers 添加 become: true
- name: restart ssh
  become: true
    name: sshd
    state: restarted

# sudo: must be setuid root
chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo

# 检查 IP 是否在某个组里面
# when: inventory_hostname in groups["<group name>"]
when: inventory_hostname in groups["appservers"]

# 磁盘单位
kibibyte (k or KiB) - 1024 bytes
kilobyte (K or KB) - 1000 bytes
mebibyte (m or MiB) - 1024 kibibytes
megabyte (M or MB) - 1000 kilobytes
gibibyte (g or GiB) - 1024 mebibytes
gigabyte (G or GB) - 1000 megabytes
tebibyte (t or TiB) - 1024 gibibytes
terabyte (T or TB) - 1000 gigabytes
pibibyte (p or PiB) - 1024 tebibytes
petabyte (P or PB) - 1000 gigabytes
exbibyte (e or EiB) - 1024 pibibytes
exabyte (E or EX) - 1000 petabytes
