


# View the list of distros and their current state:
wsl.exe -l -v

# Shutdown everything
wsl.exe --shutdown

# Terminate a specific distro:
wsl.exe -t <DistroName>

# Boot up a specific distro: 
wsl.exe -d <DistroName>


WSL Ubuntu error 0x80004002

使用 Adminstrator 打开 PowerShell,执行以下命令:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

PHPStorm 访问 WSL2 中的文件


新标签默认打开 Ubuntu

设置 -> 启动 -> 默认配置文件 -> 选择 Ubuntu -> 保存

从 WSL 访问 Hyper-V 所创建的虚拟机

Get-NetIPInterface | where {$_.InterfaceAlias -eq 'vEthernet (WSL)' -or $_.InterfaceAlias -eq 'vEthernet (Default Switch)'} | Set-NetIPInterface -Forwarding Enabled

设置 WSL 静态 IP

  1. 打开注册表编辑器,输入 reg
  2. 进入目录 计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\
  3. 修改 WSL 网段信息 NatNetwork
  4. 修改 WSL 网关 IP (即主机的 IP 地址)NatGatewayIpAddress
  5. 修改 WSL Ubuntu 的 IP NatIpAddress


  1. Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation
  2. WSL Ubuntu error 0x80004002
  3. Open a project stored in the WSL file system
  4. Connect Hyper-V VM from WSL (Ubuntu)
  5. Can I set a static ip address for WSL 2?
  6. Configuring WSL2 distro for static IPv4 address
  7. Rebooting Ubuntu on Windows without rebooting Windows?